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Uma fã expressa seu amor e admiração por Lyndsey Gunn, vocalista da banda PVRIS, desejando feliz aniversário e destacando o quanto se identifica com ela como pessoa e artista. A fã também elogia a forma como Lyndsey trata seus fãs e expressa sua gratidão por representá-la.

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This page discusses the struggles of dealing with loneliness and depression, and the feeling of being overwhelmed by the weight of the world. The author expresses the need for someone to save them from themselves and not let them drown. The page emphasizes the importance of mental health and seeking help when needed.

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The story follows a man who is deeply in love with a girl he has been dreaming about. He is determined to find her and ask her to marry him, despite her disbelief in love. The man is filled with butterflies and longing, but is constantly denied access to her. The story is a tale of love and the lengths one will go to for it.

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